It’s hard to call this July ‘summer’. Another grey day of mizzle. My afternoon ride cancelled ( wimp) so I spent a quiet hour at the stables pottering around , moving fences and the endless supply of poo. Daisy has always found it amusing to knock the wheel barrow over , she was used to carriage driving as a youngster before she was backed and she quite likes to reverse in between the handles and rocks it about until she wants to push it completely over .
Lots of cooking today , using farm and our allotment veg, the courgettes are coming thick and fast , we’re already giving at least one small marrow to anyone who knocks on the door whether they want it or not !
Off to Abbeyleix with Basil my naughty jack Russel tomorrow to be guinea pigs for the second year dog training students - they’re being assessed on running a training class. They must be desperate .

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