Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Afternoon ride

Much of the day taken up with Cranial Sacral Therapy for Buddy. It was fascinating to watch and hopefully I will see a change in him next time I ride. She said at some point in his life he's suffered significant head trauma and that he was very locked up. She was very thorough and spent nearly two hours with him.

Took the kids back to ride this afternoon. Eva said she wanted to try canter so I popped her on the line lunge but when it came down to it she started to panic which upset him so he put the brakes on. So we're at a brick wall with it because she'll have to push him forward into it. He's not just going to pop into canter while she sits there and she doesn't want me to send him forward on the lunge. She's cantered before on riding school horses and also on Jack a few times but has built it up to be something big in her head instead of it just being another pace.

Tobes got on afterwards and had a good ride.

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