
I've survived my first week (albeit with a day off in the middle); and it's my last day with a red camera on Blip!

Three members of my class have been sick already with a nasty stomach bug. This evening I am feeling quite unwell myself. I hope I haven't picked it up. I've been so careful. :-/

I'll leave you with two conversations I overheard at school; they made me giggle ...

1. 2 kids talking about another student:

"And she was totally like, 'well ... yeah'."

2. In photography class, discussing Margaret Bourke-White:

Student A:'She took photos of Gandhi'. She's a great photographer.'
Student B: 'Gandhi - isn't he the guy in, you know, that film?'
Student A: 'Which film?'
Student B: 'You know ... the one filmed in NZ'.
Me: 'You mean Lord of the Rings?'
Student B: 'Yeah, that's the one ...'
Me: 'Er, no, that was Gandolf!'
Student B: 'Oh, what was Gandhi in then?'"

For me tonight, this had to monochrome. I don't know why. The colour just annoyed me for some reason.


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