Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Journals and Planners

This is a bit of an EB.  

I went for a walk this evening - the first time in a month.  I was fully intending to take some photos but I ended up leaving my phone in the car!  

I was surprised to see that my favorite trail was closed with a locked steel gate and a big "no trespassing sign" put out by the governmental agency that administers the path.  So, I chose another route and found that it too had been closed.  What I did find was more people on the regular walking trails than normal.  Most were trying to be responsible and most were wearing masks.  

I came home and looked online and found more paths and parks closed because of Covid-19.  I found that troubling to some degree.  It seems that now there are more people concentrated in fewer areas of recreation which would increase the risk of closer contact.  Oh well.  I guess I won't be out walking much for awhile.   But, at least there are some great Tai Chi videos on YouTube.  

Oh, yes - the journal in my photo.  I don't use planners anymore and haven't for several years.  I hadn't found any that were really helpful.  So, I "borrowed" ideas from several and develop my own "style".  It varies from month to month and day to day.  Recently, I heard about the "Monk Manual".  I thought about ordering the planner, but they are out of stock.  But they did offer the "Daily Pages" format on .pdf.  So I printed it, and am adapting for my use.  I will give this a try for the next month or so.  I like not only the preplanning and the schedule part, but most I like the reflection part.  It really helps me stay focused on what is important. 

I have also been swamped with work and haven't had a chance to comment on journals.  I hope to catch up this weekend.  

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