Sun loving .....

..... flowers.
I bought these 2 plant ( extravagant ) at Waitrose on Thursday as everything was looking a bit sad . Cos' good weather in April meant things were planted early and I'm sure there had been days when I've neglected them ( sometimes I find its to much for me!) . So it was time to liven - up the pots and make it better on the eye.
I'm hoping I'll be able to over- winter them.
It's so hot today , I've done a bit of sweeping up but there won't be much more done today. I need a couple of bits from the shop but think it will be have to wait until tomorrow when I think it will be cooler.
Well it's the last day of July , the holidays have arrived for many. Do hope folk will be sensible or we will be back to square one again.
Looking forward to J coming latter to do my pedicure .
Enjoy your day and stay safe everyone.

Grateful ..... for the commitment of such a lovely man screening midday prayers for 101 days and now he's having a well earned rest . Every day he's been there at midday thank you so much Mick

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