
17°C  -  10 mph ENE Wind Speed  -  16 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy.  The warm weather seems to have missed this part of Scotland. However, I did have my morning cuppa al fresco, and spotted a red squirrel scampering up my crab apple tree.  This is only the second sighting in the thirty years I’ve lived here, so you can imagine how excited I was. I rushed indoors for my camera but, Sod’s Law, when I got back he was nowhere to be seen!  Renewed my Green Bin Garden Waste subscription online this morning  -  naturally it has gone up from last year!  £30 from £25!  That’s that sorted ‘til August 2021:)  Not good weather for blipping as you can see from my Raven blip, but I am always fascinated by his silhouette, so here he is again today☺

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