Snowy on a Hot Day
I was so busy post processing images yesterday that I totally forgot to blip....again! Not sure how I could considering how excited I was yesterday morning with my find....
Walking along the beach, I spotted a large gathering of Trumpeter Swans on the beach so I decided to walk the distance to photograph them and get any tag numbers that I could. When I arrived there, I spotted a gull that looked a little was a beautiful Snowy Egret!
Although not rare here, they are certainly not common either so I was beyond thrilled to spend an hour watching this little one fish and preen. It was hard to tear myself away ;) The best part is that it was not shy at all and at one point it was less than 10 feet away as it concentrated on fishing. I had to run to a dr's appt after, and sitting in the waiting room, I realized that my legs were covered in sand below my knees and my knees were covered in scrapes and cuts from me kneeling on the beach. Ooops....I discreetly brushed it off lol Lucky for me, only one person at a time in the waiting room :D
Have a super day!!
D x
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