Sa Penya Church

Danny took Asha off to the summer School today - water fights and parties planned for their last day!
Stephen came over to take Nate out  - he's coming each week just to get Nate more used to time away from me and Danny pre school starting. They had a lovely time apparently. Nate was a bit funny leaving me, but when the subject of ice creams came up he was more than happy to let me go to the supermarket and even requested I buy 'splendid ice cream'! Haha!
Today we've had quite a lot of contact from people about Ricardo's story...though none from the powers that be. Ricardo and I have been invited onto a podcast to talk about homelessness here. 
Tonight I went up to Sa Penya for church. So good to see people, even though we were a much smaller group than usual. Straight from there I went to meet Claire for an evening together. Soooo good to have time with her. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Stephen's willingness to spend time with Nate each week.
2) Asha having so much fun at the summer school. She made a new friend called Connie. The leader told me they were gutted when it was time to finish as "we've only just found each other!!!"
3) Sa Penya - what a joy and privilege to be in that place with those people.

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