Nice, Not as Hot

It's cooling down a bit, but that doesn't make my brain work any better: I told Marjorie, a friend who no longer drives, that I'd buy a number of blank greeting cards for her this morning. She has had a good deal of loss and grief in the past year and likes sending cards to stay in touch with loved ones far away. I said I'd do it first thing this morning - and then I promptly forgot all about it - until she called me around 2 this afternoon, when I was resting, and when it was still pretty hot outside. I snapped into action, running (driving) to two stores for cards and some groceries for her. By the time I got to her house, I was frazzled and overheated and just wanted my own chair in my own shade. Instead, I sat in a chair of hers, in her shade where we stayed long enough (and far enough apart) for a good visit.

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