Judge not, that ye be not judged
I didn’t plan on going out early this morning but, having had a cup of coffee, I thought it would be nice to have a walk along the seafront so I went down to Chalkwell at about 5.30am. According to a man I had a chat with the place had been packed from about 10.30am yesterday and there was a fair bit of litter left behind. Ignoring the apparent lack of social distancing, the litter isn’t nice to see but it’s not the end of the world and the council employees were clearing it up by 6am, probably in time for it all to start again today. The man I was talking to was properly outraged at the situation and, although my mind wandered as he ranted, I gathered he favoured something along the lines of castration (where possible) and life imprisonment for those careless, or not caring, enough to leave behind belongings and rubbish. A while later I saw him drive off in a large 4x4, spewing out plumes of pollution as he went. The irony...
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