Recruited To Be Veterinary Nurses

A day of two halves that started with Sushi and I heading into Pocklington to Vesso’s for appointments with Leanne the body piercer. I was having a helix piercing and Sushi a double helix. Mine was quite uneventful and I am really pleased with the result but poor Sushi was fine with his first helix but nearly passed out for the second...and had to be revived with a fan and an iced tea. He’s pleased with the results too and it hasn’t put him off wanting more!

This afternoon I headed up to the yard to meet the vet for China’s X-Rays and ultrasound. Mel and I were recruited to be veterinary assistants to hold plates and horses while Aimi did what she needed to do. China was a star and although he was sedated he was relaxed and still the whole way through.

From what could be seen (and subject to second viewing on the practice’s big screen) , he has been diagnosed with minor cartilage damage and fluid to both joints...likely due to his breeding. Aimi was confident with the treatment options available and although potentially a fairly long process she’s optimistic for a recovery to full fitness. We have a visit booked for next week for her to inject both his stifle joints with a steroid to reduce the fluid, inflammation and help repair the damage. It will then be lots of walk work for a few months to build up condition within the joints. So it looks like we won’t be back out and about competing until next spring now and I have had to cancel the 2 day camp I was taking him to in September...but it could have been a lot worse an outcome so I can’t really complain!

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