Jumping Jeepers (Day 1913)

I had a day off from the shower room re-fit, but a call out to a blocked shower waste in town meant unloading the van a bit earlier than I had planned.
The blockage, though a bit odd, was easily cleared and it wasn't long before I was back home.
After lunch I took the woofers out to Lyde for a wander. So good to be out in fresh air and sunshine after a week in a window-less room.
A bit later I headed through to Stromness and met up with my beautiful wife at the horses. After a bit of field clearing, we got out on Jeepers and George and HV encouraged me to put George over a few jumps. I feel a bit like I have been run over today, and though my head was willing, my body just isn't up to it. HV and Jeeps showed me how it is done. They always look great together.

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