Sunrise on Loveville Road

This rural scene is just a short drive from my house. The road is called Loveville Road, and I have to admit that I have always thought it would be cool to live there, just because of the name. I'd be just like the girl in the Doors song, who lives on Love Street. Only I would be the girl who lives on Love ROAD, not Street. Loveville, to be precise: close enough.

To the left just outside the frame of this shot is a lovely old-fashioned barn and cows, their morning breath steaming against the dawn.

To the right is the burnt cabin whose photos I've posted before (here and here). In fact, I parked in its driveway to walk down the road twenty or thirty feet to take this shot.

What I liked about this pastel morning scene were the dramatic clouds just above the tree line which muffled the sun's usual brilliance, and the reflection of morning light on the little creek that meanders lazily through the meadow. The cows who live here always look content, and you can see why!

A song to accompany this scene? The Doors, She Lives on Love Street. Oh, she lives on Love Street, lingers long on Love Street . . .

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