The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Cutting It

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went to have my hair cut and coloured today. First time in 5 months. I did have a moment of thinking that if anyone had told me 5 months ago that on my next visit, my hairdresser, Lorena would be wearing a visor and both of us would have face masks, I would have thought they had been watching too many sci-fi films. Especially if they said that it would feel quite normal.

So I have no more ‘natural highlights.’ After she had finished cutting, Lorena said “that’s all your fluffy bits gone now.”

“Not yet,” I replied, “that’s happening next.”

I had also booked in with Anita for waxing!

I felt like I’d been on a human version of 60 Minute Makeover*. On the way home, I picked up my new bike and then The Prince and I met people for drinks and a BBQ (The Eldest Mini Princess joined us later) and had a lovely night. It felt like we were on holiday because it was so hot and sunny. You know? When the air smells warm!


*No, not DIY SOS.

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