Little rubies

Dahlias still looking good. Prepping today for a macro workshop we are holding next week. Most of it is indoors but the weather is looking favourable for some garden work.
Rob and I are watching "Down to Earth" on Netflix with Zac Efron and Darin Olien. We enjoy seeing the different countries they visit and they are focusing on things like Iceland providing it's own electricity through harnessing the geothermal power, the steps Paris have taken to provide good quality water to everyone in the Streets and parks and the one we watched last night was about the people in Sicily who are very long lived. I'm sure not every aspect they talk about is right for every person or every country but there are some really interesting points in there and every now and then Rob and I need to see something like that to make us think about our diet and have we slipped into bad habits. So that is our current nightly fix.  I also caught up with the final of Celebrity Masterchef and thoroughly enjoyed seeing how the contestants has improved since week one. Very happy with the winner too. 

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