Double Shot Mummy


High Five!

Here is Oscar, giving Ruth a goodbye High Five. We had a great afternoon with her hanging out. I love it when people come to just hang out and be with my three gorgeous children (And maybe me?!) We all went down to the park. On the way, Oscar spotted a rather impressive (and expensive), looking red Ferrari. He stood there gazing at it for ages and wouldn't move. I told him he will have to ask daddy!

It is Friday: the first day of the weekend in Dubai, so there were lot's of families down at the park today. I couldn't believe it when Oscar actually shared his 'Lightening McQueen' car with a boy a few months older than him. It started with the boy taking it from the sand and Oscar looking shocked and like he would have a meltdown. Oscar then observed the boy and that he was a bit older and had also brought a lot of toys to the sandpit. There was a bit of sand flung around, but he let him play with it.... I made sure I praised him a lot for sharing as this car is one of his treasured belongings!

Last night, Oscar and Bailee's Tomy Starlight Projector light show kicked the bucket. They have had it since only a few weeks old and it has been played religiously at least twice a day as part of their bedtime routine. It still plays music, but the light show is now fixed on one frame. Luckily, I brought a spare one over from the UK for when this day came! The twins were absolutely delighted when after 32 months, the new projector played a different light show (With the same tunes!)

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