2nd Saturday Strollers

Our regular monthly walking-group has obviously been suspended for several months, since lockdown began ...

... but with Scotland in 'Phase 3' of the route map for coming out of lockdown, I am going to go ahead with a group walk this coming Saturday (8th August) - but going to keep it quite local to Shandon (in the South West of Edinburgh).

Obviously if any more than 15 people, from 5 households, do turn up; then we'll split into 2 distinct groups. And if there are 2 groups, then they will stay completely separate, and we'll likely just leave the starting-point (see below) at least a clear 10-15minutes apart. And regardless of overall numbers, all 'households' will obviously still need to keep socially-distant from each other.

Thus; for this coming Saturday, the rough details are as follows:

- meet at 10am, Saturday 8th August beside the main 'Kids Playground' in Harrison Park West
- see local map link here: https://goo.gl/maps/EfounRadJs2SXhK59

- if required; plenty of public transport options (buses) run nearby along Slateford Road
- the rough walking route will be:
Shadon-Myreside-Community Gardens-through Hermitage of Braid-round Kings Buildings-Blackford Pond-along Midmar-down Braidburn Valley Park-through Greenbank-Craighouse-Craiglockhart Pond-back to Shandon

- that should be a maximum of 8-miles, and given its pretty local we can easily shorten the route if conditions so require!
- should take us about 4-hours to complete (including lunch stop)
- please do bring along some snacks/packed-lunch etc.

If you're interested in coming along, and need any further detail, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me directly!

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