
By LifeLines


It went rather quiet in our house this afternoon.  Strangely quiet.  I sneaked upstairs and peeked around the door to the spare bedroom and I found this!  A naughty Merlin on top of the airing sleeping bag on the bed!  He loves the softness and warmth of the sleeping bag and the height of the bed.  But, he knows he shouldn't be there so is usually very quiet if he does manage to sneak up there in the hope I don't notice for a long time.  Cheeky boy.

Merlin had me up at 6.20am so I had enough time to go to the allotment for an hour before I started work.  I spent 45 minutes weeding - its amazing the amount of biomass which is produced each week at this time of year.  The rest of the day has been spent sitting in front of the computer, followed by a lovely phone catch-up with my sister, a dog walk, dinner and Pilates.  Now I am shattered so I am off for a cool soak in the bath with some lavender oil!  Wishing you a calm evening.

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