
We spent our morning cleaning up a garden area that has been the resting place of one of our greatest pets ever, Clyde. It’s a work in progress, and we will get it cleaned up proper. Clyde invented the term bad ass in pets. He was totally fearless. When friends stopped by with their dog, Clyde chased him right back into their car. When raccoons came snooping around, Clyde chased them up a fir tree, and they knew not to fool with him.

We called Clyde a “Dead Kitty,” because any time The Dead or Dylan was on, he planted himself directly in front of the stereo speakers and got his groove on.

Clyde was born at our neighbors, more than a half mile away, but he walked down here and made our place his home. While we named him Clyde, after the great Portland Trailblazer Clyde Drexler, his original name, we found out later, was Hot Tub, so named because he slept on cold nights on the cover of their warm hot tub. Hot Tub. I wish we would have known that name earlier. I love Hot Tub.

Clyde was here before Sadie, Oreo, and Kirby, but if he were here with them all, he would be the Bad Ass Boss. It was good to clean up his resting place, now with our Buddha from another garden area, holding court with him. RIP, Clyde. You were the best, and one serious bad ass buddah.

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