Happy Daze

By Dazed

Happy Birthday Nicki!

Isn't she beeee-autiful? I haven't asked her but I already blipped her once so I'm sure it's ok to do it again.

After work today my good friend Anne G came round who I recently reconnected with via the wonders of Facebook. We grew up opposite each other and were very close friends for ten years but then lost touch when her family moved away. I am so pleased to be back in touch again - we had a great chat and a drink when she came round then popped down to Victoria on the Walk for the lovely Nicki's birthday drinks.

Nicki and I bonded at school in our last year when we both had a fondness for black eyeliner and doccie boots. She HATED being called Nicki at the time and insisted on being called Nic but now I'm the only person that calls her that so I'm trying to change my stripes.

It's tricky though, it's tricky Nicki... xxx

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