The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Out For Dinner

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince, The Youngest Mini Princess and I* headed up to Banchory to visit Penny and Albert.

Penny seemed much better than the last time we saw her - less withdrawn and lost. She was on good form although I suspect part of that is being more comfortable in her own home.

The Duke arrived late afternoon and the 6 of us went out for dinner (another first since lockdown) to the Tor-Na-Coille Hotel.

I love eating out. When I was young, going out for dinner as a family was rare and always felt very special. I can still remember the first time I ordered a grown-up meal (spaghetti bolognese) and feeling very excited! Tonight had that same kind of feeling. The only indication that anything was different was the waiting staff wearing masks but I’m so used to seeing people in masks now, that my brain barely registered it as unusual.


*The Eldest Mini Princess stayed at home as she is studying for an exam at the end of this week - Empty!!

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