By lizzie_birkett

Thermals On!

I'd like to see how the owner of this trike gets it on and off his boat! 

We stayed in Bradley last night and woke up to another rainy morning. We waited for a while after breakfast until the rain eased off then set off with Frank up on deck and me inside. It was so cold I had to put thermals on under my jeans and woolly jumper and fleece! Once the rain stopped I took my turn at the tiller.

We stopped en route at Riddlesden where I spotted a fruit and veg shop and what a lovely little shop it is! There was a barrier across the door and customers are served at the door as there is no room for social distancing. The amount, variety and quality of the fruit and veg in there was excellent and no more expensive than the supermarkets.

Eventually the rain stopped but it was still really cold. 
Now we are moored at Bingley 5 rise, our tummies are full with Frank's yummy curry and strawberries, Alpro cream and maple syrup for afters. The stove is lit and the telly tuned in. We'll be watching the 2nd part of The Decieved - a  psychological thriller that started last night on channel 5.

It should have been my niece Sam's  wedding day today but of course she and her partner Paul were among the hundreds of others who had to postpone till next year. Such a shame - mind you it would have been a cold, wet and dull day! 

I was watching our local news about the Covid spikes around our area and they interviewed people on the street. One young guy was saying how important it is that everyone sticks to the rules and wears masks. His was hanging below his nose! I keep seeing this - why are people not getting the message? Lots of people have them tucked below their chins between entering different shops when the info and advice is not to keep touching their faces and masks.
I can understand if someone has a condition which prevents the wearing of a mask but if people are just objecting to wearing them or can't be bother it shows a lack of care and respect for other people.

We all need to look after each other and especially the more vulnerable/older members of our communities.

Stay safe, look after each other.
;-) X

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