
By Freyjad

Green Bottle Fly

It's been a while since I blipped a Green Bottle and for something so potentially nasty it has it's own sort of beauty.  It's been dry, but there's always been the expectation of rain;  I feel at times the summer may be over but Jack assures me that better weather is on the way.  

I sent Deborah some interdental brushes on the 4th of June and they took 7 weeks to get to her, even though the post office guaranteed a 5 day delivery for the service I paid for.  I'm not blaming the post office, these are strange times and I don't suppose they have much control over the Indonesian postal service.  I mention this because yesterday on our ZOOM session she asked me to send her some heads for her electric toothbrush -     I think once again she'll be waiting quite a while.

Thank you for visiting my journal, it's very much appreciated and thank you osuzanna for hosting.

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