Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Arena and Day 4 of the AOG!
There were lots of activities today in various venues. In the Backyard Arena, Team Squirrel competed in day 2 of Peanut Hockey and advanced to the next level. Steven learned his lesson yesterday and evidently, so did the rest of the team as there was no time spent in the penalty box! Team Grasshopper, also in the Backyard Arena, took the Gold Medal in the High Hop event barely edging out Team Jumping Spider, who won the Silver, with Team Cricket taking the Bronze.
My favorite contest today was the King of the Hill event in the Barnyard Arena. Team Cow won the Silver Medal but Team Goat won the Gold by a large margin. Team captain, Gary, is seen here on the podium during the flag raising and playing of the Goat National Anthem. Although it was a solemn moment, Gary couldn't hide his smile!
As one of the International Panel of Judges, I have award hearts and honorable mentions for Day 3 of the AOG as follows:
Hearts: Diane2014 Red Kite
dibifulco Team Dogbane Beetle
shirleyray Branch Landing
Hanulli Almost too Late
Beckett Grass Skating
HM: SilverLady Lighthearted Fun
SquirrelsEtc Cram your Cheeks Full
Bom Butterfly Boxing
dfb24 Run and Fly
possably Synchronicity
Thank you to everyone who participated in Day 3 of the AOG! This judge is happy to see more participation every day....except I ran out of hearts for the many wonderful entries! Tomorrow will be Day 5 (halfway through the games) and the tag will be AOG20205. Please consider joining in the fun. We can always use more reporters!
I am grateful to pipersdad for doing my laundry today! We have always each done our own. This morning I was complaining about my pile of laundry and while I was covering the barnyard activities, he got it started and insisted on finishing it even after I got home. He spoils me. :-))
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