
By memento


...and Springs

They are everywhere. Just today I encountered dozens of them while simply going about my day.

If it hadn't been for coils and springs, some of my exterior doors wouldn't shut by themselves, the toast wouldn't pop up, the car would be a hideously bumpy ride, my desk chair wouldn't be able to go up and down, the various notebooks I keep would become unbound...the pages scattered, the guest bed where we napped would be akin to a slab of concrete and none of the incandescent light bulbs would turn on...and that's just my unscientific observations. I can't even begin to know all the mind blowing mechanical and scientific applications for coils and springs.

Most of the coils and springs in my world perform an obvious function except one...the small spring inside a refillable ball point pen...the one that makes the parts fly all over the place when you unscrew the pen.

Coils and Springs...pretty cool stuff.

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