The View from Hallsta Hotel

Since the weather forecast promised large quantities of rain we decided this was a good day to go to the spa in Sollefteå. The spa is in the hotel on top of a nearby hill, with a great view.
We are looking down over the Ångerman River, and a lot of forest, from the deck outside the spa. This was a brief sunny period and we could hear thunder over to our left even as I took the picture. Later we would be treated to a fine display of lightning with accompanying sound effects!
It takes us a bit over an hour to drive here but we think it is worth the trip and were here earlier in the year with our February visitors.
Being high up with a view to a distant horizon makes me realise just how big the forest is, and how comparatively small even a fairly substantial town is!
The building in the bottom right corner, next to the river, is the hospital.

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