Dawn to dusk and beyond!

It's been a long day! In extras you can see where it began at 5.45am with a long solo walk. There are no trains here so I found myself a freight ship to admire instead:) 

I had a second day off work, so I doggedly completed the read through of my manuscript, which has taken far too long! Then a circuitous wander around town looking for some household bits. 

By the time I went on the planned evening walk with my friend H and Tiny the dog, I was already hot, physically flagging and my feet were burning. It was not a short walk... nor a flat one! I took this pretty shot on my home after a reviving cuppa at hers. Now I am home  and hugely thankful to be out of my walking boots! 

I will catch up journals tomorrow as sleep is beckoning, but thank you so much for recent comments and stars.

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