
By tondrijfhamer

Meeting a myth

A few weeks ago I was in Assen, where I saw this huge statue of Lenin. No camera with me of course. I mainly wondered why this statue had been put there, but it also kept circling in my mind that I had to back there to capture it.

Tonight was that night. To kick off the weekend I went back to Assen. When I arrived there, there was even some snow, so Siberia was complete.

I already had found out that this statue of Vladimir Iljitsj Lenin was part of an exhibition at the Drents Museum. This exhibition is part of a series about international realism and is called the Sovjet Myth.
A myth, because only this art was allowed by the Sovjet government during the period 1932-1960. So, this art doesn't show reality. All the paintings and sculptures shown there have been made under the Stalin regime.

There have been some protests against this statue being put in Assen, but I guess that these people do not know about, or understand the meaning and importance of this exhibition. The fact that Lenin is enlightened in green lights in stead of red, says it all.

The statue weighs 17000kg and is 10m high.

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