One click at a time

By KeithKnight

February Daily Challenge - B&W and Orange

Day 8 of KaliBug's February daily challenge - Feb. 8th: Something in black and white or monochrome, and MissyMoo's February daily challenge (Something orange: Find something orange or a few things and take a photo.).

Thanks to those who made suggestions for today following my comment yesterday about the 2 challenges today being tricky to combine.

I find many manufactured foods too sweet nowadays, and that includes marmalade, so I make my own, to my own taste. Most of the year this has to be done from tins of prepared oranges since Seville Oranges are only in the shops for a week or two of the year (in January), but every now and then I get some fresh Seville oranges and freeze them.

This weekend is a marmalade making weekend, and with some real oranges. Here they are defrosting, along with the rest of the ingredients and the recipe for slow cooking the fruit to get the maximum pectin out of the fruit. The recipe is obviously printed in black and white, though the pages of the book have yellowed a little as it is now over 30 years old, so that's the black and white and the oranges are pretty orange.

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