sunny sunflower

Am very thankful for a mostly cloudy day today as it feels so hot and humid already - and tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter! Yuck! At least with the clouds about it's been slightly easier to get things done and not be a sweaty mess!

And today has been a lovely day for us as we went to visit the family who used to live next door as we'd not seen them since February I think, and it was so nice to catch up over tea and chocolate cookies!  Lots to catch up on so the time flew by and hopefully we can arrange to see them again over the next few weeks..... if things don't change again in this mad world we now live in.

Not much time spent in the garden today - just checking on the bunny who's nicely in the shade and demanding extra ice cool water to drink, watering some droopy plants and enjoying the sunflowers that are beginning to bloom!

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