Riding a bicycle

Everyday life continues. Is it Thursday already??? Getting bored to my own cookings, so I bought a 15cm Subway Melt -bread for my lunch from the suburban shopping center.

Nice meeting today with a colleague, and I have got inspired by the Oracle SQL Java Derby -language yesterday, with which we work together. So today I decided to order a Java book from the library. Idea is to try to learn atleast some basics of coding.

So I made a reservation for brand new Java SQL -book and after works decided to take my bicycle and rode 17km route to the library and back to borrow it. Nice to begin to study it tomorrow.

Nice weather, +19c could be warmer, but ok like this too.


Ps the Corona situation in Finland is that the amount of cases is rising again. Now a similar situation as in May, but younger people tend to catch it.
Some restrictions on traveling again, and the authorities try to keep Corona in people's minds now. Schools will be opened after holiday season next week.
Too much possibilities given to the people to catch the virus, is I could say my opinion... Restaurants, happenings, concerts, theaters, discos... You name it.

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