
By Farmerboab

And the sun goes down....

A busy one today. Spent most of the day hauling out bullocks then some heifers to fields after they had been shut in to get weaned. The blks go next door, the heifers go to a hill field which is about a 6 mile round trip. By 3 pm we had done 8 loads and passed 43 cyclists, the mass majority the Lycra clad type who seem to have no sense of self preservation , especially when meeting a Landrover and trailer loaded with cattle on a single track road and keep coming at you at speed even though they could have pulled in to the gateway they had just passed , then expect you to take avoiding action even though there is no where to go. Clowns.
Rant over.
Went away to open up another field of grass with the mower to calm down, but had to come home and swap the Claas tractor for the McCormick as the seat on the Claas deflated and the compressor wouldn’t pump it up again. Presume there is a wire chacked through inside it somewhere. More hassle and time wasted.
Got fed up at10 pm and came home, just as a few spots of rain hit the windscreen.
Roll on tomorrow.

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