A quiet-ish day to-day.  View from the balcony this morning (well zoomed inbetween the trees of course).

Had a Tesco's delivery this morning and it arrived 30 minutes early!!!!!  We weren't quiet prepared, but not matter we could leave it all in the garage, just need to sanitise the frozen and fridge stuff immediately the rest could wait a little.

All now done. phoned Mum and she is fine - will take her part of the shopping over to her next week as there is no hurry for it.

A hot weekend forecast "down South", so am pleased that I am "up North".  However this does mean that I will be mostly staying home as the hoards will be descending with no thought about the Pandemc, which is still very very much ongoing.

The awful images and devastation in Beirut is tragic and my heart and thoughts go to all those involved.  How they are coping with this plus the pandemic I cannot imagine.  

I do despair at everything having to be done on-line.  On the one hand it can be good but I do think of those that do not have that option (I know quite a few people, of all ages like that) and there are a lot of them.  It's time thought was given to everyone and not just those that have these facilities. Sorry mini rant over.

Do take care and if it gets very hot try to stay cool without risking the infection by not obeying the Covid-19 rules.

Thank you for your lovely comments, stars and hearts.  Stay safe.

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