
Is it just me or does Fred look lonely? He's sitting in Carlos' chair where he should be sitting playing Dead Space 3 which came out today. Fred would then be lying on Carlos' chest or curled up at his feet. Instead Fred has the chair to himself and Carlos has another night in hospital.

Today they don't think it's pneumonia, more like bronchitis, wonder what tomorrow's diagnosis will be? I suppose it doesn't matter, what matters is that he's getting treatment and he looked much better than he did yesterday. The ward he is in doesn't have afternoon visiting on weekdays but it does tomorrow so I get to see him at 2 instead of having to wait til 7.

I didn't realise how exhausting it is having a loved one in hospital, the worry, the communication with family and friends, the over zealous housework done just to keep busy, the inability to sleep without the warm body and familiar breathing patterns by your side. Freya was good company tonight, Noah went for a sleepover and it is just the two of us. The house feels strangely empty. Tomorrow I will have Noah for company as its Freya's turn for a sleepover.

I'm glad to be off work for a few days as I can focus on Carlos and be nearby in the hope that he'll get sent home soon. In the meantime I'll keep busy, maybe even try spinning some of the lovely fibre I got for my birthday.

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