i am crow...

...hear me call

to all other crows - far and wide...

and they listened - for within minutes, the surrounding area was filled with crows - or perhaps they're also called blackbirds - hanging out in the treetops as well as on the ground...

this one, though, remained in his perch... the branches holding him steady while he called out - i couldn't tell if it was in warning - or joy - or what the message may have been about... regardless - he allowed me to get very close to him without wavering, no flying off... and endured my chit-chatting at him, too - we must have made quite the pair for any outside observers - the crow in the tree and the crazy woman on the ground... looking up, talking to it, camera in hand - makes me wonder - yet doesn't really matter - 'cuz clearly - it made for...


happy day.....

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