Peruvian daffodil

Haven't seen or heard - so far - the thundery showers we were due to get today, tho' it has been raining gently on and off this afternoon.

A few weeks ago I found a pot with three emerging bulbs, unlabelled, which is very unlike me! I usually make a big deal of labelling. So this one simply said 'Three bulbs'.

A week or so ago I noticed two flower stems and was delighted a few days ago to see a white flower emerging. It looks to me very like Ismene x festalis, the so-called Peruvian daffodil, tho' it's unconnected to our daffodils. Strangely I can find no evidence of having bought it online and can only assume I picked it up in a shop somewhere - it's a mystery! A good one, of course!

Quote of the Day:

Clare Leighton – “It is a greater act of faith to plant a bulb than to plant a tree.”

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