.....take a little break.........

So....the day finally dawned...the last day I'll spend at work with hebs for at least three months.

Some people's attitude left a bit lot to be desired.......but never mind.....I'll deal with them later.....if they're brave enough to voice their opinions in my hearing.....I mean how much trouble can I get into at this stage of my career?

Break time and early birthday presents and cards for hebs......good job I had her Amazon wish list....I think she liked them all.....and my card made her laugh out loud....a sound I haven't heard enough of for a while. The exotic surroundings for the cake cutting....the prep room with it's jars of chemicals...electronic equipment.....loaf of bread for food tests etc, etc....bet she hasn't had a birthday celebration in a venue like that before.

Then we nipped out for a fag.....won't be doing that for a while.....and a chat about said attitudes....I kept telling her..."Not your problem".

This afternoon's lesson was on the Haber-Bosch process for the manufacture of ammonia....the lesson plan called for the Car's "Drive"/Live Aid video as a run in to ammonia being used to make fertiliser to prevent world hunger....the pupils were visibly moved...and asked questions about the Live Aid gig........so as a little treat at the end of the lesson I played some of the concert footage...who else but Queen?.....halfway through Radio Gaga a voice asked "Sir, is that the Beatles".....Dear God what do they teach kids these days?.........I changed to something I thought they might recognise....U2...."Sunday, Bloody Sunday"....another voice "Sir, why is Bono wearing a wig?"......it's not a wig....that's what he looked like in 1985....this gig made their reputation......"Did you see this , Sir?".....Yep....."How old were you?"......about 26...."But Sir, that means you're about 54....that's old...do you still like young people's music?"

I give up.....I really do....Kids today!

After work hebs and I went for a coffee....well she had coffee....I had a beer...and we just talked....about everything and nothing...and no-one else from work turned up....perhaps they just knew to leave us alone.......and then we parted in the car park....no kiss.....no hugs......just a "Well look after yourself then...see you soon"

But she doesn't get rid of me that easily...we'll talk on the phone....I'll be round to see her......and when she can drive again she'll be round to see me...who knows we might even get to spend a day together having a walk round the fishing lakes and taking photographs.

See ya hebs!
Das vidanya moy padruga.

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