Sweetness and Light

I had a long lie in this morning, and by the time I'd showered had a late breakfast it was time to leave to see C. She was well today and very calm and it was good to see.. It was soo hot again in her room. Shortly before I left a delegation of two nurses came in to tell me about an incident involving C, that had occurred on Tuesday morning. Something that I should have been told about that day or certainly the following day when I visited. I didn't ask alot of questions because C was decidedly nice and calm and chatty and I didn't want to spoil things.

I left after about 90 minutes and phoned Nicola., who was upset by the news.
When I got home I rang Pals at the trust and had to leave a message. Then I rang the ward and spoke to Debbie who'd given me the news. I asked various questions to which I got answers along with the promise of a full investigation and assurances that it couldn't happen again.

Had a little doze, then cooked some new potatoes to have with my salad.

Feeling wiped out again but the weather has been very hot to say the least.

I must close as I need to make up the bed before sleep time.

Thank you all for calling.


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