Here Comes the Sun

The car needed repairing after R had a close encounter with a rock on a narrow Welsh lane. It was collected this morning and we have a new mini courtesy car. 

Although our gym has reopened with excellent safeguarding it has meant class numbers are reduced. We decided to stick with the online classes for the time being. Pilates this morning - the only thing missing is the conversation and Pete checking we are doing the exercise correctly.

Decided in view of the weather to get the hearth rug washed and out to dry. It’s now back in situ. Moved on to the rear seat cover for the car that Jet uses. Again turned round quickly. Although I have to say it was warm work washing and rinsing by hand. Will be pleased to have the new washer delivered on Monday.

As we took Jet out it was trying hard to rain but fortunately nothing much came of it. We tried to stay in the shade and gave Jet opportunities to cool down in streams. Just hope I can get off to sleep tonight despite the heat.

Enjoy your weekends everyone.

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