freshphoto:a moment a day

By freshphoto

This little light of mine

Mega-scary amount of work to get through by yesterday, so no time to sally forth today. The light was gone by the time I thought of blipping, so as nothing in the flat shouted "Pick me, pick me!", I thought I'd try something I've never actually got round to doing before. I suppose this should be called a bliiiiiiiiiiiiiiip rather than a blip (15 second exposure).

I think one's subconscious is a very peculiar thing, because it only struck me after processing this pic that at the moment I'm feeling that the darkness is very close by and the only person who seems capable of guiding me out of it is me. Why then, when I woke up this morning, I had a loud and insistent salsa number blaring in my head I have absolutely no idea. Perhaps it was my battle cry (incidentally, did you know that the word 'slogan' comes from the Gaelic word sluaghghairm, meaning "battle cry").

The darkest hour is just before the dawn they say, so let's hope I have a plentiful supply of candles. And for the foreseeable future, this is as close as you'll get to seeing me in the frame :)

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