Beer Station
A delightful day, commencing with a zoom call with the photographer, the daughter’s pal CK, before ferrying the SK up town for rings and a clipping of ringlets.
Later, I took myself off to the daughter’s with my good friend MrB. It’s so much better to see her frequently, have an easy conversation about very little, and have a good goss, than it is to see her less frequently and have ‘big’ talks. As it is with everyone, I should add.
As I was in that neck of Trinity, and it being just the back of 4pm, and sunny, MrB was soon running me along Newhaven way to the delightful ‘beer garden’ that’s been set up by the resourceful Tobes on the disused bridge opposite the Dreadnought. As he wrote on Twitter, "If you'd told me 10 years ago that, in 2020, I'd be putting up a makeshift beer garden on a disused road bridge in Leith, I'd have said great. That's exactly what I want to be doing."
And as I did truthfully reply, if you’d told me three weeks ago I’d be drinking there, I’d have fallen on my knees and kissed your feet.
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