
By SuffolkBumble


Bubbly, bubbly bubbles. The great film catch up continued with 3 films on Friday night - comedy, comedy and comedy (the Romantic Zombie kind).

First up was Wreck It Ralph, the new offering from Disney (whilst not officially Pixar, John Lasseter produced so there was the obvious heavy influence). It was a joy for all of the old gaming favourites who had roles or cameos but mainly for the story, the writing, the puns and the fun.

Second was I Give It A Year. I really enjoyed this film which had some brilliant moments with the dove scene and the final act particular highlights. Main issue was that Stephen Merchant was on the wrong side of cringey for most of it, but otherwise a decent offering.

After a brief interlude at Chiquitoes, including a Cherry Coke Float providing me with some bubbles and much needed sugar, it was time for film number 3. This was Warm Bodies which I will not say too much about other than it was sensational - a great twist on the normal Zombie and Romantic Comedy concepts which was superbly written and very well acted. Highley recommended.

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