DAy 145 - Bossy Boots gets his come uppance

After breakfast exercise bike done  - fruit boiled for  the  fruit cake – beetroot steaming – and shopping put away – towels washed and on the line.
Pottered in the man cave with KG for a while.  Cake in the oven before lunch.  Watched qualifying a bit disappointing!  Facetimed with Amanda which was lovely
The bunnies have been very well behaved all week – but it is Saturday and they seem to get up to mischief on Saturdays.
Bossy Boots had been reading the cycling news. 
Hey he said there is a Tour de Britain today – lets go and see how we get on.
The rest of the bunnies were not too sure .  Britain is a lot of miles and we only have tiny legs.
Bossy Boots was having none of this and before they knew it they were on my exercise bike and Bossy Boots had taken a commanding position.
Well in fairness to the bunnies they made a valiant effort but couldn’t move the pedals. 
This did not please Bossy Boots and he ordered them to try harder.  Basil told Bossy Boots not to be so bossy and the rest agreed. 
Anyhow  they all jumped together and managed to make the pedal move. 
Unfortunately the movement dislodged Bossy Boots and he ended up in a heap on the floor.
Needless to say he wasn’t very happy and the other bunnies scuttled away and left him to it.
For Admirer who always enjoyed my silly bunny stories
A very hot day

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