Small Tortoiseshell

This morning I was woken by what I thought was Zeph's alarm going off at 5:30 AM! It was only when I got up to use the loo a little later after Bri got up for work that I realised it was my alarm! I'd set it last week when Jae was babysitting and it was still programmed. I have switched it off so we won't be disturbed by it tomorrow!

The Shit Kettle was in the new kettle box in the middle of the back room floor. It had been decided that we should keep it as a back up, just in case. Brian told me to take it upstairs and he would put it in the loft later. I took it up, but the landing was dark. I  leaned over to put it on the floor, and smacked my mouth on the top of the upright supports of the clothes airer. It really hurt, but somehow I managed not to shout, since it was 6 AM and the boys were asleep. It doesn't look as bad now as it felt fortunately!

Home, and more rugby watched including some UK Superleague! I am so glad it is back!

Movie time now - gin o'clock too, I think!

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