Hospital Appointment

I had an appointment up at the hospital today at the early time of 8.40am. This made my day start earlier than it has for a few weeks now. I was getting a CT scan to see if there are anymore Kidney Stones after my little episode the other week. I should hear back in a a couple of weeks. 
I then visited a friend who has moved back into her own house after spending lockdown at her mother's. 
It was then straight onto work for what I thought might be a half hour job but turned out to be 5 hours. 
I was going out for a very late lunch with old friends. I got the bus in. It had been quite a muggy day and sitting on a bus with a mask in the muggyness was very unpleasant. We fortunately managed to get a table outside. The restaurants and cafes in Perth are making a very good effort to help with social distancing. There was a heavy rain shower then the sun came out and the colours were interesting on the opposite buildings in the extras.
I got the 9.35 bus home and was in bed for 10.15pm after my busy but productive day. 

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