Stop Beeping…

Hello Everyone,

Still back blipping (this is Saturdays)… 

Tinkering at home, dismantled the bed in one of the bedrooms that I use as an office in readiness for a new desk which is due to arrive next Friday… The plan is to sit the engraving machine on it.

As my home has three bedrooms, I still have a spare room should someone need somewhere to stay. I guess as children leave home the quantity of rooms needed does lessen and the hope that they don’t get into a situation that they need to return to the nest that they left.

The photo – this is a sealed unit which cannot be turned off, the batteries are on the blink and it needs to be reset every day or so otherwise it beeps… it started doing this about a year ago and I purchased another one, then it stopped so I have two, but it has now started doing it again, time to throw it away. 

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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