The nearest we get .....
.... at present.
Times are often hard in life and these unprecedented moments are no exception . So the title of this " W/ Gown shop" I thought was appropriate . A beautiful afternoon tho very hot "A" checked the temperature at one point this afternoon and it was unbelievably 39.4%c phew we were cooking , but I managed a stroll "A" did a longer walk ( of course) .
I had taken a picnic lunch and coffee , it was nice to be out and better still to see the folk being sensible with social distancing.
So sad for the little ones they're so restricted even tho' there is easing of the
L/D .
We came home about 4.40pm , the house was like an oven , but cooler now since Windows/ doors open and fan on.
My eldest grandson gave me a lovely surprise and visited me this morning , such a lovely young man and so brave, bless him , never any fuss just gets on with things .
Do hope you've all had a brilliant Sunday and stay safe everyone.
Grateful ..... for the continued Zoom church services. The sermon was so apt for these times, ie we all have to take risks ( safely of course) or we just wouldn't progress in this situation we find ourselves in . It was compared to the risk Peter had to take when asked to walk on the water ( trust in Jesus) . We will get through this but everyone needs to do their bit . RISK & SAFETY are the operative words.
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