A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Pit Stop

This evening we took to our bikes and cycled up the hill and down the hill and round the park and then had a pit stop for refuelling. 

We had the very long hill back to Viñas to conquer next, but my electric steed managed it really well, as did my hips. You get no assistance unless you pedal, so it still requires all the effort my poor old legs could manage to get up.

Jacqui had no such electrickery to help her, but she managed the ascent without stopping. It is now known as "Heart Attack Hill".

In other news, the family with the four utterly vile, screaming toddlers in the flat below have, we think, gone home to Cordoba. We have had a week of non-stop screaming all day and most of the night, until 1 a.m. at least. Despite asking them to be quiet, the screaming has continued without abate. They were just playing, apparently.

I wished they'd go and play on the main road.

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