
By MerlotsDad


Looking really well today. Calm relaxed funny. Still can't grasp why or where she is but gradually she's beginning to realise that something has happened that has affected her.
It's always difficult to leave when it's time to go but today a Porter came to collect her and whisked her off for a ct scan, so I could make good my escape without any showdowns. The phone is recharged but I'm sure it will go back in the bag.
Felt better today and when I got home Pals rang me a we put the record straight. I didn't log a complaint more of a concern really...
Ummed and ahhed what to have for dinner. There was a pack of mince that would go out of date if I didn't cook it, so Ive made up some sauce, some of which I'll have tonight with a spud and some dwarf beans that mum bought. The rest will go in the freezer for a cooler day.
Thanks for calling in and for your ongoing support. Sorry Im so bad at calling in on your journals but I'll get back soon.
Think my washing is dry, then dinner should be ready.
Very warm day.


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