Not That Generous!

After finding one perfect fig yesterday when I was watering in the fading light, went looking for another one today to give to Mike, had almost given up when I saw one. And then thought, I could Blip that. Our three fig trees had suffered from the scant watering while we were away, so really grateful for the ones that have grown since we came back - over a month now. 

Mike asked if I'd photographed it. "Yes," I said, "I'll give you the fig, but not my Blip!"

- sun dried bedding
- figs like sticky jam 
- Madeleine L'Engle's Time Quartet, finished A Swiftly Tilting Planet today; loved St Patrick's rune, used several times in the story to avert disaster:

   With Ananda* in this fateful hour,
   I place all Heaven with its power,
   And the sun with its brightness,
   And the snow with its whiteness,
   And the fire with all the strength it hath,
   And the lightning with its rapid wrath,
   And the wind with its swiftness along its path,
   And the sea with its deepness,
   And the rocks with their steepness,
   And the Earth with its starkness
   All these I place
   By God's almighty help and grace
   Between myself and the powers of darkness.
* the family dog, other names used at other times

Wonder if it would work for our world at the moment?...

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